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The British Armed Forces Is Training Chefs How to Cook Vegan

Ministry of Defence chef instructors from the British Army, Navy, and Royal Air Force recently took part in a masterclass on plant-based cuisine to learn how to create nutritious meals with vegan ingredients.

The workshop was hosted by Humane Society International (HSI) UK’s Forward Food program, which aims to encourage and enable the catering industry in all sectors to shift the focus of menus away from meals centered on animal products and put more emphasis on Plant based food.

It has been widely recognized that, on average, animal-based products have higher greenhouse gas emissions than plant-based options. Reducing meat and dairy consumption presents a critical opportunity to decrease emissions associated with animal-derived food.

For the training with the British Armed Forces, 24 military chef instructors from across the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, and Civil Service took part in the plant-based cuisine masterclass as part of a culinary training workshop.

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