Those of you who have tried tofu previously probably have a good grasp on the numerous kinds available and the best methods for preparing each. For those just starting out, silken tofu may seem like a new universe waiting to be discovered. Instead of floundering around in confusion and feeling overwhelmed, read this article. The versatility of silken tofu allows it to be prepared quickly and be used in a wide variety of cuisines, both sweet and savoury
Image credits: Silken tofu cooked with pine nuts,
While many of us are getting a hang of using firm tofu in stir-fries, the prospect of cooking with silken tofu might be daunting. You’ve probably never bought silken tofu or tofu in general unless you’re aware of Asian or vegan culinary fares. While cooking with silken tofu is straightforward, you can benefit from following preparation guidelines if you get the hang of it. You can try about making anything from silken tofu to custard and quiche to smoothies and salad dressing. The time has come to let curiosity rule. So, you can wear that creative chef cap, we have gathered the 5 finest, yet easiest uses for silken tofu.